Less than two months after our sunny San Diego wedding we found out we were pregnant!

Here's how it all went down...
I was studying weeks before, for the final exam for the completion of my MAE, when it dawned on me that something about me was different.
Here's how it all went down...
I was studying weeks before, for the final exam for the completion of my MAE, when it dawned on me that something about me was different.
I had slept 17+ hours after the night of a friend's 30th birthday bash, I was late (and I don't mean for work), and I had no desire to drink!
Anyone who has met me knows that the last clue was straaaange. I figured I was just stressed out about the upcoming exam and decided to brush off my thoughts, knowing there was NO WAY I could study when I could be learning all about a baby growing inside me!
I decided to wait patiently (and silently) until after the exam.
I decided to wait patiently (and silently) until after the exam.
January 16th, the day of my exam, finally arrived. A very focused me took (and passed) the exam early Saturday morning.
After a long morning it was time to face the facts. I headed to the local CVS and bought two essentials: a pregnancy test and and a bottle of wine.
Surprised I didn't have to explain myself to the cashier, I nervously went home and kept myself busy until I was ready for my second test of the day. A million thoughts crossed my mind.
I should wait for Jeff to get home.
What if I don't "pass"? What if I do?
I better do this before I carelessly open and drink this entire bottle of wine!
What if I don't "pass"? What if I do?
I better do this before I carelessly open and drink this entire bottle of wine!
In less than the three minutes the box told me to wait, I saw as clear as day... Pregnant.
I do not even remember my reaction. Let's just say it went something like this: HOOOOORAY! We did it!
I texted Jeff right away and of course he didn't believe me even with this photo of the positive test. When we were finally able to talk I reminded him of all my symptoms.
I'm pregnant. We're THRILLED. Now what?!
I'm pregnant. We're THRILLED. Now what?!