She will be 5 months old next week!!! It is so amazing (and cliche) how fast she is growing up.
At Leila's 4 month appointment with the doctor we were told to hold off on her medicine for a week before we reordered her prescription to see if she had grown out of her reflux. NOPE, she hasn't. After many sleepless nights this week she is back on the Prilosec. We'll try again next month:)
She has started to actually enjoy rice cereal. Here I am feeding her just one week later from my last post.
Well...not much made it in her mouth this time!
She loves playing on the floor. A BIG change from just a month and a half ago. She rolls over from back to belly and belly to back, lifts her head up high, and reaches for her toys. It won't be long until she is doing log rolls across the room.
Now that I am working I do not get to spend as much time with Leila. It's difficult to leave her smiling face in the morning. But I know she is in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa or Poppy!