She tried bananas, the pureed kind and frozen pieces in this strange little mesh feeder. Ba-na-na for Lei-la...yes please!
I know you won't believe it but bananas helped her grow hair! Either that or she was afraid she'd end up looking like Super Uncle Tom if she didn't grow some fuzz soon.
(Yes, I do realize Leila is still a bald-headed baby. I am not trying to convince you that she has a lot of hair, just that she finally started growing some. Pig-tails by summertime? Highly doubtful!)
Leila has also started army crawling. It is adorable to watch her squirm to get her toys. It will not be long until we have to baby-proof our apartment.
And Leila no longer needs her car seat adapter for her stroller. Hello big world! There is so much more for her to see. When we go to the park she just looks around quietly taking it all in.
Here are some shots of us at the park.
Enough already!
I swear Jeff is always singing/rapping to her while making some funny faces. I wonder if she know what he really looks like;)