Wednesday, February 20, 2013

37 weeks {Bumpdate}

How far along: 37 weeks...FULL TERM!

Weight gain/loss:  Up 3.5 pound this embarrassing!  Total weight gain= 26 lbs. It felt great to exercise this week!  I'm one of those people that need exercise to help balance my mood.  Apparently I ate way to much though.

Feeling: Just as I expected with 3 weeks left.  Huge.  

Maternity clothes: This question is just silly.

Stretch marks:  Nope.

Sleep: Not nearly as bad as with Leila.  After hearing another pregnant mom (who is half as pregnant as me) complain about sleep this time around, I have decided to blame GIRL pregnancies on terrible sleep.  I struggled to get comfortable at 18 weeks with Leila. With Carson, I sleep like a baby (that gets up to pee a lot).

Best moment(s) this week: I got a much needed haircut and pedicure.

Food cravings: Anything and everything.  I am still so hungry.  Hope this guy is packing on some of the lbs I'm gaining!

Gender: Oh BOY!

Movement: Lots at night when I finally settle myself on the couch.  He gets the hiccups daily!

What I miss:  My wedding band.  I took it off after posting a belly pic that had my ring finger in it.  I didn't realize what an accomplishment it was to still be wearing it until someone pointed it out.  I immediately tried to take it off and struggled.  Once I got it off I decided that it was not going back on.

What I'm looking forward to:  Weekly doctor appointments!  My belly is measuring small, but not small enough for concern from the doctor yet.  I am anxious to go back on Monday and see the growth.

Weekly wisdom: Making it full term is a wonderful feeling (not physically of course!).

Milestones: I can no longer wear my shoes comfortably.  My flats squeeze my feet and my sneakers can barely be tied. 

Due date: 3-13-13

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