Tuesday, May 25, 2010


After my baby shower thrown by my work friends Jeff is officially sick of hearing me say, "Isn't this cute?!?!"  We got so many outfits and great stuff for our little girl last Friday.  Looking back I am glad that Valerie and Kimberly practically dragged me out of baby Gap empty handed...even though I had a coupon (come on, that is a good reason to buy something!!!)  I am also very thankful of all the hand-me downs we have gotten from my friend Wendy's two girls and for the ones we will be getting this weekend from Amelia!  I am currently working on my vocabulary to replace the word "cute" to something Jeff can stomach.  My thoughts to him...just wait till you see this little girl and you'll be over-using the word too! 
I'm 23 weeks pregnant and growing a half inch around the middle each week...yikes!  Baby girl is the size of a papaya this week and will be the size of a watermelon by September.
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