Alright being obsessed with clothes shopping is NOT a
new thing for me. It is no secret that I love to shop. It is in my blood and has been since...FOREVER (right Mom?!) Having a baby girl makes this obsession much harder to control. Everything looks adorable, cute, and fun in a mini-size (and since I am opposite of a mini-size, shopping for myself is just plain pointless). I have loved getting hand-me-downs from Amelia and have also received many outfits as gifts that are just too cute to describe. Check them out!
California Girl! This one was a gift from a parent and student in my class last year. Mini-jean shorts. Who could resist?!!?
Little Black Dress! I have been on a mission to find baby clothes in black...yep, black. Everything for girls seems to be pink but I heard that black is the new pink;)
Aunt Betsy knows best!
Here's the not-so-mini-me at 34 weeks! Check out my HOT new camera (thanks Val, Betsy, Maggie, and their men!)