Growing up I was never a baseball fan. I went to White Sox games because I got perfect attendance in elementary school, and free tickets were the reward. So I was kinda a fan of the Sox, but a big fan of going with my Grandma and Grandpa!
Will Leila be a Sox fan?

In my college years I was a Cubs fan. Cubs fans know how to have fun! The Cubs are a bunch of losers and the fans need to drink themselves silly to feel better about liking such losers. Yep, I like drinkers and drinking.
Will she be a crazy Cubs fan?

Now as an adult, living in San Diego, I am a Padres fan. (Why, why, why do I choose such shitty teams?!!?) For the first time I really like baseball. Petco Park is amazing and thanks to Jeff I can actually watch baseball on television not fall asleep. I think I can name a player or two also!
Will Leila stay true to her SoCal roots and love the Padres?

Leila will have to decide for herself. We'll love her no matter what team she chooses!