Thursday, December 20, 2012

What a year!

This year has been one of exciting changes, fun-filled days, and hope for the future.

I started the year with a plan to work on myself.  After all the not-so-awesome changes we faced in 2011, I was ready to start over and lose the baby weight (even though Leila was a toddler), get out of my yoga pants, and make some mommy-friends.

I can happily say, one year later I feel so much better about myself.  Thanks for encouraging me on my weight-loss journey.  I set a goal, met it, and plan to do it all over again this summer!

Meeting Lauren and Charlie was one of the biggest things that happened to Leila me this year!  It got us out of our park rut, gave Leila a best friend, and allowed me to officially say I had made my first mom-friend.  It has been so fun watching Leila and Charlie grow this year, as individuals and as friends.  For me, making a new friend that shares many of my parenting views, my need to cuss, and desire to have a balanced life changed my outlook on this stay-at-home mom gig.  It's been a win-win for us all!

This year Jeff and I enjoyed our first vacation away from Leila.  The two of us headed up the coast to San Francisco for a long weekend.  It was just what a vacation should be...carefree.  We both missed Leila, but were happy to have missed her first case of the flu.

Summertime proved to be too hot for me, both here and during our three week trip to Chicago.  It was great to see my family and friends and I know they enjoyed seeing us too.  It's hard living so far away from so many people you love.

After our vacation I was sure I had the world's worst hangover.  Turns out it wasn't just the pile of mail, the unpacking, or the 100 degree heat that was getting to me. I found out I was eight weeks pregnant when I returned from our Chicago trip.  It was the biggest surprise of the year, and I still have moments when I can't believe this is really happening.

Leila had a big birthday in September!  Two, as everyone promised, has be kind of nuts.  Leila certainly has a personality all her own (or maybe she gets a little of it from me).  She's funny, sweet, a little bossy, and has a strong desire to be independent.  Our days are mostly wonderful, but some days feel much longer than others.  

The future here in Leilaland is hopeful, a little scary, and exciting all rolled into one.  I don't know exactly how it will play out, but I am sure it will involve some Mommy meltdowns, toddler tantrums, and lots and lots of love.  (Oh, and a new blog name too.  Suggestions are welcome!)

Happy New Year everyone! 

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