Almost two months after Leila's first play-date we met up with some new friends this week.
Leila and I have run into this mother-daughter duo at the park (of course) and at the library's story time. I first noticed this little girl because she is practically bald, like Leila. They also both got up during story time and busted a move, front and center. These girls like to dance!
I'm proud of myself for initially striking up the conversation, way back (two months ago) when the need for Mommy-friends really hit me. I later regretted not swapping numbers with her.
It turns out that those dating rules I followed before my Mrs. days still apply:
Mommy-dating Rule #1: Put yourself out there
Mommy-dating Rule #2: Don't give up
So every time I saw her I made sure we chatted it up. I even befriended her mom.
Now our girls seem to recognize each other, but are obviously still in the "getting to know you" stage too. At the park we talk, chase our kids, talk some more, and move on...
Until last week...we exchanged numbers! We talked on the phone, we emailed, we met up.
Our play-date meeting spot was a Mommy & Me dance class and it couldn't have been a better pick! Not because of the awesome fun great time. No, not that at all. It was the perfect pick because both of our experiences were not-so-great. (I'm being nice here!)
So now that's just another thing we have in common. I'll take it! And apparently she will too...we have two more dates planned.
My next dating rule to follow:
Mommy-dating Rule #3: Be yourself
Hopefully I don't scare her away with my passionate, blunt, and sometimes judgmental personality. (Please don't tell her!)