There a lot of homeless folks in San Diego. (Makes sense to me...San Diego has the most dependable weather in the U.S.) I totally fit in with the homeless crowd these days!
For example I packed FIVE bags for the three of us to spend the day at Poppy's place just 30 minutes away!

Bag 1: swim bag
Bag 2: other diaper bag for toys, camera, Leila's changes of clothes
Bag 3: food/drink bag
Bag 4: my diaper bag/purse
Bag 5: our change of clothes
Oh and I haven't even considered the Pack and Play or how I plan to bring her nap time stuff. This is ridiculous!
We had a great time and luckily had everything we could ever possibly need.

Help! Seriously...spill your secrets. What's your trick to not looking like a bag lady?