I like Sea World more and more each time we go. Today I really noticed the people (maybe I'm taking Leila's cues!) and watched how much fun everyone was having. It's different living in a vacation destination because so many people are out and about just enjoying themselves and their families. Sure puts a smile on my face.
Leila and Mommy about to get going...

Danger Dad doing dangerous things around dangerous animals...

Our favorite adventure at Sea World today was The Bay of Play. Yep, no sea creatures or Shamu show could top watching Leila interact with the other kids and adults in the baby/toddler play area.
Making friends...

Look at me! Look at me!

Leila tried walking on the soft surface and made it a few steps. She's been walking more and more these past three days. She still chooses to crawl 50% of the time but I guess you could say WE HAVE A WALKER!!!
Teeth and walking all in the same month! No wonder she takes such wonderfully long naps. Busy girl!