Leila is walking more than crawling now although she realizes crawling is much faster. Her little voice can make such big noises. She still squeals in delight when she sees Otis and her Aunt Val. (I am sure Val loves being equal to the cat!)
She eats 2-3 meals a day. We're working up to three meals and a snack by her birthday. Black beans, bananas, and cheese are her favorite. I have to wait to warm up the black beans or she will ignore every thing else on her tray.
It seems like we are always cleaning up after her! I laughed the other day when I thought, I will be cleaning up after her for the rest of my life. I know how you feel now Mom. Thanks!
It was difficult capturing Leila with Minnie again this month.

Happy eleven months Leila! It's been a fun ride seeing you grow into a toddler. I am still wrapping my head around the comment Val made to someone yesterday that I have a one year old! Guess I (almost) do!