What?!!? Yes, I know that I live at the beach. It still doesn't make it easy. And what a production it was! (I am still finding sand everywhere. Wet sand is the WORST!)
Between wrestling to put Leila's swim diaper on and keeping up with her constant need for movement I was able to enjoy watching her play in the water.

I knew she would love the beach! (Does this make it worse that I've never taken her?) We hung bay side at my favorite local park with a friend and her six year old son. Leila loves kids and Braxton had just as much energy as she did!

Leila could crawl, stand, and even walk in the calm bay water. She drank plenty of saltwater and ate at least a shovelful of sand.
I am really feeling comfortable at this park and frankly Leila is always a hit! She is so social and smiles at everyone. We seem to make new friends each time we visit.
Leila and I will definitely do this again. Good thing summer lasts until October here!