(I have 12 days and counting until I am on summer break. Hopefully it will just be a break. But...by the looks of things, I will be unemployed this next school year. Boooooooooooooooooo!)
This year, (and just about every year) Colin celebrated his birthday over Memorial Day weekend. This year was extra special because he got to share it with his baby girl. Kennady Sage turned one month old on Saturday!
Surprise, surprise...I only took pictures of Leila.

Leila did make a new friends this weekend. Mckenna made her San Diego debut (Well, at least it was the first time we met her!)
At first Leila went for Mckenna's eye. Maybe it hasn't been such a good idea to let her grab at our faces. I noticed she pulled the same stunt on Kennady just two days earlier.
Mckenna at a safe distance

Feeling brave again. Mckenna has a hold of Leila's arm this time.

I am soooo wondering what they are thinking here!

Thank you to all the heroes that bravely fight for our country.
I love the U.S.A!