Leila and I will be leaving Jeff home all by himself for three weeks in July. We'll be heading back to our hometown, the good 'ol suburbs of Chicago, for our annual vacation.
This year I am even more excited to eat delicious pizza, hang with old friends, and have a live-in babysitter (thanks Mom and Dad!), because two of my cousins had babies that I haven't met yet.
Wanted! {Guest bloggers}
I'm looking for guest bloggers for Leilaland during the month of July.
Some topics you to consider: your summer vacation, toddler activities, toddler behavior, easy recipes or DIY ideas, family life, and motherhood.
Humor, fun, and a photo (or your blog button) required.
Interested? Send me an email or leave a comment including your email address.
myleilaland (at) gmail (dot) com