But you already knew that.
I have to go to bed early so I can keep up with my toddler's energy. I wipe boogers with my sleeve. I get a hangover from two (very large) glasses of wine. I wear a ponytail seven days a week. I never leave the house without baby wipes. I schedule my day around nap time. I sing in public, loudly.
Expected changes, right?
What I didn't expect was NOT changing how I see myself.
I expected to see myself as I see other moms. Mom-ish. Whether it be frazzled or put together, in yoga pants or heels, they all seem like moms.
Surprisingly, I don't see myself as mom-ish even though I clearly am.
I am stuck somewhere between my perception of what a mom is and what I am...just me!

Writing this ensures my words will come back to haunt me in years (or months) when I am feeling like nothing else but mom-ish.
Have you become mom-ish? Or, like me, were you maybe a little mom-ish to begin with?