Monday, March 11, 2013

The PREGNANCY Great List {3.11.13}

As this pregnancy comes to a close (hopefully sooner than later) I figured it was time to share all that I was grateful for these past 40 weeks.  The end of pregnancy is less than glamorous.  Mine has been filled with complaints, pains, and a general bad attitude.  But the reality is, these past months have been pretty darn good!

Off to a dinner date with Jeff and Leila last night.
1.  I feel so lucky that it was easy (maybe too easy!) to get pregnant again this time.  Although it surprised the crap out of us, the fact that we didn't have to stress about getting pregnant again is something I do not take for granted.

2.  My biggest concern this time around has been my weight gain and my blood pressure.  Both were through the roof last time!  I am happy to report my blood pressure is normal, as is my weight gain.  I tried to stay healthy and active during these past months.  Besides some extra indulgences these past 2-3 weeks I have stayed on track.

3.  Leila has been quite a distraction during this pregnancy and starting back to work two days a week during this last trimester has been helpful too.  It's been nice to stay busy, active, and not so consumed with this pregnancy. (Although at this point it is all I think about!)

4.  Sleeping has been a dream!  Aside from a few nights that I had trouble falling asleep, I have been getting plenty of rest at night and waking up feeling GREAT! Maybe it's got a lot to do with #3...I am so busy!

5.  We have received more gifts than I ever imagined getting for a second baby.  Carson not only has new clothes, he has a ton of hand-me-downs to wear until after his first birthday.  Thanks everyone!

Hopefully #6 can be a smooth and easy on-time delivery.  That will really be the icing on the cake!

Come back each week for my newest list and don't forget to check out Betsy's list each week too.  Warning...positive thinking is addicting!

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