Leila weighs about 21 lbs (23rd percentile) and about 2 1/2 feet tall (64th percentile). She's independent, smart, funny, and sweet.

I love that she hugs on demand and can actually sit through an entire book (if she chooses).

Her favorite things are exploring, collecting "treasures", and chatting up strangers, especially children!

Her obsession with garbage trucks is adorable.

She has the cheesiest fake smile when you ask her to smile for the camera. And just today I saw her fake pout at me! I really have to watch my facial expressions around her. She imitates EVERYTHING!
She has a few words, but shows us that she understands a lot more. It's truly amazing to me that she can follow a simple direction (again, if she chooses...remember how I said she was independent?!)

She walks everywhere we'll let her, but still welcomes our arms or the stroller when she's tired.

Oh, and did I mention that she wears a shit-ton of pink?!? It's her best color.

Hooray for toddlers!