So I am kind of bragging when I say, I did leave the house today to run three miles in preparation for a Thanksgiving Day 5K. Who else wakes up at 7:30 without an alarm on a weekend...and then runs?!? Oh yeah, old people. I'm sure there was no one under 60 out this morning.
During my run I saw a man running in his Detroit Lions t-shirt. As we passed each other I blurted "Bears!". I felt really bad ass for the rest of my run.

It's hard to be a Bears fan on the West coast.
Before baby, Jeff and I would set an alarm so we could make it to the bar before the 10 am kickoff. We had to get there early, it's the only Bears bar in town and always ends up being standing room only.
These days we are lucky to listen to the Bear's game on the radio. There are just too many California football teams hogging up the television. And this is not the kind of bar I could bring my baby to. (There is such a thing.)
We still watch football all day long and love it. There is some tension in the room today though. My fantasy football team is currently putting a smack down on Jeff's team.
Better post this before his team makes a comeback.
Happy Sunday!