She is generous, kind, funny, and has a huge heart.
Leila loves going to Teacher Lee's Free Play-To-Learn™ Preschool every week.
***This is NOT a sponsored post. Teacher Lee is just really this great!***
I found this Mommy-and-Me preschool through a meet-up group I joined (thanks to all of your suggestions!) and have been going weekly ever since!
Each week Teacher Lee sets up a developmental preschool at three different locations in San Diego. We attend one just fifteen minutes from our home.
Parents are encouraged to learn and play with their children as they visit each learning center.
I also like to sit back and watch Leila interact with another child, or even watch her learn and play alone. She constantly buzzes around the room checking everything out.
There is no pressure, no feeling like you are playing "wrong", no set rules needed. Just a community of parents enjoying the moment with their child.
These pictures explain it all!
I am so happy to have found Teacher Lee!

Block play

Easel painting

Puppet tent


Listening center

Arts and Crafts

Did I mention this is free?!? (Donations of $5 are recommended.)
Leila's current favorite thing to do at Teacher Lee is sit on the chairs. I swear she spends half the time we are there climbing up and getting down.
My current favorite part of Teacher Lee is circle time. I love that I am not the teacher up there. It's fun to be on the other side of things.
Teacher Lee leads the group though a variety of songs and finger-plays. It is so cool to watch these young children interact with her. She's very animated and silly too!
Leila sits for most of circle time, only occasionally trying to steal a closer look or running to my bag for a snack. We've been going to Teacher Lee for two months and I'm amazed how Leila can anticipate what comes next during the finger-plays. She sang aloud today and it made me laugh. Definitely the best way to end the class!
Circle time

I've invited two friends from the park to join us and their children loved Teacher Lee too! Hopefully they will be back for more.