I have a lot of bags and have possibly been mistaken for a bag lady, but when I saw this on Babysteals I just couldn't resist.
I have justified this by calling it a Mothers' Day gift from Leila. She likes her Momma happy!

I keep all of my diaper bags semi-packed with the ultimate kid essentials:
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Wet Ones
- Onesie or a clean outfit
- Bib
When I'm packing our bag for the day I just grab my phone, water, snacks, and my wallet (which also includes a pen, lip gloss, ponytail holder, and bobby-pins) and toss it into one of the already semi-packed diaper bags.
This way I can choose my bag based on what we are doing and what I am wearing!
After reading the other Toddle Along Tuesday posts from this week I want more bags!
I may have a problem.
Am I alone here?
Check out what I mean...