This week flew by! I can hardly remember what we did this past week. That's why I love Friday's Great Lists. I allow myself time to pause and think about all the great things that happened this week. Even if I only pause for a few minutes, it's recorded here on the blog forever!
1. Leila and I headed to a local Fall Festival over the weekend. She rode a pony, picked put her own pumpkin, and jumped in the bouncy house. I have said how much I love spending time with Leila, just me and her, but I think I've finally realized why. When it's just the two of us together, doing our own thing, we are on OUR schedule with no start times or end times to make, no one else's time restraints, and we have the flexibility to do it our way. I cherish these Mommy and Leila moments, maybe even more now that I know they'll be coming to an end soon.
2. Our weekly trips to the Farmers' Market just got better with the arrival of Betsy's new puppy Olive. She is only 10 weeks old and walked the entire two mile round trip to the market with us. Olive was the hit of the market. Leila hardly knew what to do without all the attention.
3. A little shopping always puts me in a good mood, even if it's for someone else! This week Leila and I made a trip to the mall to pick out a gift for Betsy who celebrated her 32nd birthday on Wednesday and a shower gift for my pregnant sister, Kimmy, due just 10 weeks before me. Leila is a super shopping partner. She carries she own purse and doesn't mess with anything in the stores. This time she shopped without the stroller! Cruising the mall with my favorite little girl put me in the best mood.
I hope you had a great week too! Happy Friday!
Enjoy the little things in life, for some day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
-Robert Brault
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